I have been writing to my best friend, Fizah through e-mails these few weeks because she's now in Japan. She wrote me first because at the first place she wanted me to check on her English. So we have been changing few e-mails. Somehow at this point, I'm becoming in love with writing to her because first, we don't have time for gossiping like the old days anymore because she's way too far. Second, there's more and more confessions are being made like why I did that to her and why she did that to me back then before she got married and moved to Japan. And that was really interesting. Third, it inspires me to write in this blog again (after the long silence). So I would love to share one of my e-mails to her (she would kill me if I show you what she wrote me..hehe). Just to remind myself too, that when the time comes where I need advice, I would come here again and see the words I have written to someone before, because I might need it for myself.
Waalaikummussalam nenek,
Unfortunately i dont like dark chocolate but milk chocolate also counts right?
I'm glad that you have come to your right mind now. So, somebody has got a fossil watch, damn i feel like i wanna have a husband too. hahaha.. i know that feeling when your friend is ahead of you on something. it happened to me on the day you told me that you're getting married and back then i was just being dumped by that jerk. sorry about that. i know i have been too mean by showing 'stone' face to you, because honestly, i just can't even smile at that time. i'm so jealous of you. you just came at the wrong time, the time when my heart was being crushed to pieces and eaten by cat (haha that is too hyperbola). anyway, i was still feeling guilty about that, i'm sorryyy. i didnt mean to, i swear. you know, after that, i knew you were very mad at me. and you never tell me anything about your wedding anymore. i felt sad, and i regretted that i have done that to you. but i'm very bad at apologizing, i'm sorry. as a friend, off course i want to know everything about it, how your husband finally decided to marry you, your wedding planning, and all that small stuffs. but that's okay, i didnt blame you if you didnt want to tell me anything because that was the price i have to pay for hurting you at the first place. huhuhu.
so the point is, in our lives, we all see other people's successful and happiness. off course the jealous feeling is inevitable, but it doesn't mean that we have to locked out ourselves in a room, think about people's achievement, then feel that we are nothing compared to them. make it as inspiration, and take action for ourselves. don't just think that you don't have what other people have but instead remember that there is something in you that other people don't have.
i just finished reading 127 hours, a true story where aron ralston had to make a hard choice by cutting his own hand after being trapped and crushed by a very large stone for 5 day without food or water. i think you should read that. i can give it to you when you come home later. the story is very inspiring. it teaches me that no matter what happened in our life, even if it is the door to your death, dont ever give up. keep trying even if it means making a hard choice and leaving it in the past. because 'saying farewell is also a bold and powerful beginning' (aron ralston).
Have a nice day friend,
Bilik kecik, lab atas bukit.
p/s: I miss how we used to sing 'come on barbie, let's go buddy, ah ah ah yeah' when we wanted to go somewhere.. hahaha..