Saturday, May 18, 2013

Morning thought

Yesterday, in our weekly lab talk, one of our friends started her presentation with a verse in the Qur'an which as far as I was in the lab, none of us have ever done that before. It's in Surah Yaasin:

All-Glorified is He (in that He is absolutely exalted above having any peer or partner), Who has created the pairs all together out of what the earth produces, as well as out of themselves, and out of what they do not know. (36: 36).

This is a common verse, I heard about this several times before but what crossed in my mind when I heard/read this was Allah has created a partner (jodoh) for each of us in this world. But I never thought the meaning of the later words which are '...and out of what they do not know'. So, our friend has actually related this verse with the protein that she is working on, which needs a partner to execute its function. Otherwise it is useless.

I'm working in a biology lab, by biology it means I work with the living things, and natural compounds produced by them, nothing's synthetic. Nothing's made by human but Allah. But I can't remember myself, like really think about Him when I'm working. And I rarely think that what I did and discovered has actually been written in the Quran, only I never search for it and relates it to my work.

I'm very grateful that I was born as a Muslim. Because I think Islam keeps me wise. I can feel it because when I had a long 'menstrual leave', I'm happy at the first couple of days when I don't have to pray, so I have more time to do my work and sleep too (haha.. this is so bad attitude). But then, I feel like deviated. Jauh dari Allah, although I never did anything too sinful. So, the first prayer I perform after a 'menstrual leave' will usually be the most high quality (khusyuk) prayer that I have ever performed in my life because somehow I miss doing it. I feel so calm, a kind of feeling like there's a light touching your heart and I feel so contented sometimes I can cry.

And another thing that make me grateful is the Quran. Quran is not an ordinary book because it is Allah's word. Whenever I feel sad or lonely, I love to read the Quran. I can't describe the calming effects. Reading the Quran, sometimes I feel like reading an amazing story book because there's a lot of stories in the Quran. Sometimes my imagination can be so wide when I read about the paradise (although the pictures of paradise can never be reached by human thoughts). Sometimes when I feel like I'm a bad person, I always stumble upon a verse that say Allah is the most forgiven as long as you seek for His forgiveness. And of course there's a lot of science facts inside the Quran I feel like reading a science book.

I felt disturbed yesterday for reasons I can't think of. Maybe, I'm worried about my research work, the more I did and discovered, the more I see the dead end. And I feel my destination is far far way to go. Or maybe because I have been slapped in the face a day before, when a friend helped me to see a point of view which I never think of before, about something that I keep hoping. So, last night I decided to do nothing more than reading a novel, watching TV and sleeping. Then enjoying this lovely morning, blogging and swimming. And finally hoping for great days ahead.


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