Thursday, March 17, 2011

The call

Have you ever experienced this; your phone's ringing when you are watching a night movie in the cinema, and your eyes are automatically wide opened when seeing the name on the screen, it's your boss! If never, then I know that I can't find any other bosses in this world as workaholic as my boss (a.k.a my supervisor). Learning from senior's experience, I knew that I MUST answer his call no matter what without making him realize that the background noise was coming from the movie. I didn't want to miss any seconds of the scene but if I didn't pick up, he will surely call my friend, which was sitting beside me and obviously she was giving me such a face like 'go out! answer that or he'll call me instead!' I've got no choice than went out of the hall and call him back. The moment I heard his tense voice, I relieved that I have made the right decision to call him back. Then the rest was bla bla should do must remember that..bla bla bla..

My supervisor is a super duper busy young professor (and a lecturer and a dean too!) with tons of research projects under his management. His days packed with meetings and management works as a dean, but it will never be ended if he don't step himself in his lab, our lab. His days will only be flawless if he can spend some times with his postgrad students because research means everything to him (I think..hehe). Therefore, if he couldn't make it to go to the lab, or his mind was too crowded with faculty issues, the above situation will happen. When he starts to remember something (normally relating to research) at home, he'll call us whenever he wants so that he won't forget it later without considering to not calling the girl at night, or thinking what are we doing at that time. However, we're the most kind and understanding students, so we never reject his phone call even though we're still in bed (that case always happens on weekend).

This often happened to, instead not the groceries. LOL. :D

p/s: lots of things in mind. Lots of unsure things make me hard to make decisions. The last decision before that day comes. But actually its nothing compared to my supervisor's.


Donutt said...

waa, jadi dean suda....horey2!

hasmaLiana said...

dean fbb not fkk la..

~anis said...

shemek! 2nd of april??!! nak talk on the phone pon ssh dah dgn minah sorg ni.. aishh..

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