Saturday, October 23, 2010


Lately, I was having some problems while working in lab, on getting to clone a gene into a bacteria. It's been months and I can't still figure out what was wrong. Is it the way I handle it or is the enzymes had damaged. But I'm pretty sure that there's nothing wrong with the enzymes. So I need to keep optimizing the conditions of each of the cloning stages. I am really hoping that by the time I have to go working in other lab, soon, I already manage to get the clone and the protein can be produced in soluble form. When thinking of it, of how much time left before I go, I start to panic. What is on my mind is get the clone, get the clone and get the clone. Someone talked to me the last two days and said perhaps when I just eager to achieve the target, I miss the small things. Too small to see but has a huge effect. So, I have to go back to the very basic principle. Look onto the every single details, understand each process and begin the troubleshooting. Now I have started practicing it and I realize that I have learnt more than before.

So is the life. When the world turns down on you, just go back to the nature (fitrah). Every soul will find peace if we remember The One who created the mankind. Pray, honest, be kind to people, give a hand to the weak, respect others and forgive. Yes, it is basic, all of us learned it at school, we have to practice good deeds, but do we actually practice it and do we really know why we were told to do that? For me, if you good with people, it will turn back to you. Let say if I am having problem in cloning for months while other colleague which do exactly the same work can get it in just few weeks, there must be wrong with my past behaviour. Maybe I didn't help people or I didn't forgive someone or didn't apologize for talking behind their back.

Hmm.. So, no more drMicrob cause I feel I do not deserve the title yet as I haven't managed to solve the simplest work in Molecular Biology which is cloning. I'm quite upset because there's much more challenged works waiting once I successfully clone the gene. However, I realize that this is called the journey of life, coloured with problems and challenges. They do make our path difficult, but at the end, the success will be more meaningful =)


Padin said...

kuatkan semangat, kawan..

mudah mudahan anda berjaya...aminnn

hasmaLiana said...


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