Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The contrary

In Australia, I notice a lot of things that is wayyy different from my country:

1. Drivers will responsibly stop their car if they see you want to cross at the zebra. So, apparently it's safe to cross the road without looking at the right and left and right again, as long as it's on a zebra cross ~ I will definitely have to change the habit after going back to Malaysia.
2. People will greet you whenever you are making transaction with them (eg at the bank, cafe, stores, even the cashier will ask 'how're you doing today') ~ a little bit awkward at first, like, err do I need to answer that to the perfect strangers?
3. Birds and cats here are so BIG ~ I feel like wanna catch and bring them home.
4. No wild cats or dogs are left wandering on the streets ~ never see one.
5. You can find a tree with nothing left but only branches, or a tree with only the fruits left. And they're so beautiful.
6. You can't throw the rubbish just like that, you need to separate things that are reusable and recyclable from the things that are non.
7. Foods left on the table during winter won't spoil even for a week! ~ so, save your time and energy by cooking for a week..hehe..
8. Smokes coming out from your mouth when you speak ~ excited at first..hehe
9. Lots of chocolates!! Cheap and taste great!
10. Kissing couple in public (even in the campus)..errk!

And in the lab:

1. All standard buffers are prepared by the technician and you just have to pick up a bottle and pour it and use it. ~ what? I feel so excited to go to the lab everyday, and finish my PhD.
2. You won't need to wash the used glass apparatus cause there will be somebody clean up for you. Put your dirty lab coat in the right place and they will do laundry for you. ~ heaven! they even have a 'labmaid'
3. You will be given a lab coat, a bench, a set of pipette and an office desk with computer (except for us) ~ I can offer myself to work forever at lab like this!
4. Lab manager will do all the ordering for you ~ frequent cases of fighting with suppliers can be avoided.
5. Order a set of pipette today, will receive it tomorrow!
6. Falcon tubes, weighing boats are thrown away after used ~ what a waste! I want to collect it all and bring it to my lab.

Wayyyy too different doesn't it? Now I know it's true that we will discover and learn so many things as we travel the world.

At my favorite spot. Love the trees :)


Azura said...

Yup agree!! same with Denmark. The drivers will stop their car, raise their hand as a signal for us to cross the road. And they are all friendly and very helpful too... love their culture very much including cycling and recycling.

But for the lab... i envy u!!!!

k.lactis said...

nak g sana..cepat..nak sambung belajar kat sane gak..da x tahan duduk cni..balik umah, lalu permas jaya pn da nak nangis..

far-east said...

rasa nk pindah n stay kt oversea..!!;)

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