Monday, November 29, 2010

It's time to make mistake..

I just realized today that I have wasted my supervisor's money (about rm1000) just because of a very stupid mistake that I did to my experiment! oh my gosh! How silly I am! The kit's price was about rm2000 and half of it was wasted because I forgot to add 0.5 microliter of inducer into the reaction! (if you don't understand what I mean, the point is because of only 0.5 microliter inducer that I forgot to add, the experiment was a rubbish. If you have no idea how much the microliter is, it's a very tiny drop of water). But, luckily the particular work is not actually in my research scope. huhu.. I haven't told anyone, never, except my housemates. So to my labmates, if you guys read this, please pretend that you never know about this ok..hehe..

So, for me, research (or generally studying) is all about doing mistakes and learn from it. Am I saying this to comfort myself from this guilty feeling? hehe..kind of..but actually, it's true, isn't it? Say a baby learning to walk. He will never walk if he didn't fall at his first step. You won't get stronger if you never fail. We were always told to not fail because people will look down on you. But believe me that sometimes failure can be the best teacher. If you recall, Thomas Alva Edison took 10,000 trials before he could make a long lasting light bulb that we're having now. Instead of admitting to having failed so many times, he said, "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways how not to make a lightbulb." So, don't afraid to make mistake but analyze the failure, make a change and then try again.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Feeling, a priceless gift..

There are so many things in this world that can't be seen, nor can be touched and the existence are unexplainable. They are here but we never know how they were created in the first place, what are the building block that construct them and why they sometime come and suddenly vanish. But one thing for sure, they do colour the world. So, can you guys guess few things that possess these characters? Light, wind, sound, smell, desire are few examples. And the one that I want to talk about is FEELING.

Feeling lays beneath every person but do we know where the place is? No. We feel happy and sad, we feel love and hate, we feel enthusiastic and lazy. In certain moment, we love it when they are around, though sometimes they can be very annoying. The magic is they can't be chased and they will come anytime even though they are not needed.

So, last week, I experienced lots of feelings; happy, sad, angry, surprise. Here's my story:

I got my scholarship backdated from August, means I'm a billionaire! I was very surprised when I checked my account balance and suddenly I thought what I'm gonna do with that money. haha.. Funny that I never had such that huge amount. However, half of it should be saved to repay the allowance given by my supervisor.

So, that weekend I went to the mall and aim for a camera. hehe.. So finally, for the first time, I bought a digital camera. It's Sony Cybershot DSC-TX5 waterproof, freeze-proof, dust-proof, shock-proof, touch screen and it's pink! hehe.. I didn't do much survey before buying it actually. It just happened that I went to Sony shop, browsing over the cameras displayed and decided to buy it. And, I was happy! =)

Before that, I was having lunch at Kenny Rogers with Bai, Fizah and Samson. Actually we knew that the service was quite slow since the first time we ate there. However, we were craving for their marvelous macaroni and cheese, so we can't help to decide to eat there. And like always, we can't be patient anymore, thus we wrote a love note to the manager..hehe..

Then, Sunday, I prepared nasi ayam for lunch with my housemates, Fizah and Bai. It was actually our first time, but not bad. The taste is perfect, like professional cook. hehe.. Since we have bought a fridge, so that will be the turning point for us to start cooking. And again, I was happy! =)

Seems that the entire last week was perfect. However, some of my lab works didn't go well. It made me down, but I knew that research can't be smooth all the time. Never I think. And the failure actually wake me up from my comfort zone, make me realize that there's no life without test. God test me with His unique ways to tell me to be grateful. If you look in other way, sad and angry feeling are given by God to test our patience. Sometimes, no, I think I am always feeling angry with others especially my friends when they did something which kill my patience. But at the end, they are still my friends and what's the point to be angry while I still need them.

So good and bad feelings are all gifts from God, priceless gifts. It depends on us, the way you think, to control it and grateful for be given the feeling.

p/s: lazy mode..can't thinking of doing lab works anymore cause will be heading back to hometown tomorrow night! Can't wait! =)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Go green..

This will be a longer weekend because today is Deepavali, means public holiday. Today, I am having an amazing day. From the moment I opened my eyes, I could feel the great feeling. I started my day with praying off course. Then early in the morning, right the warm sunlight welcoming the day, we were deciding to enjoy the fresh air by a little bit different way than the usual, by cycling. I just knew that in UTM we can borrow the bicycles from the guard. Thanks to our vice chancellor for his kind sponsoring rm10k for providing this facilities to the students. So, we were cycling around the lake and the herb garden, enjoying the smell of freshly cut grass though the smell of rubbish truck that passed by had spoiled it for second or two. Never mind, cause we were so environmental friendly today. Then we were cycling around the residential college, went to every corner that we never have chance to explore before. It was so refreshing. Once I was nearly forgotten all of messy stuffs in the lab. Feeling as free as the birds. As healthy as a baby.

Cycling is one of the cardio exercises, like swimming. Cardio means its good for our heart. When cycling, our heart rate increases thus increasing the blood supply. So, the risk of having heart diseases could be avoided. Furthermore, off course cycling will burn excess fats and help losing weight. A fact that I just knew about cycling after google it just now is that our body will release endorphin which known to cause pleasure and eliminate the bad moods. Yeah, that would be the answer why I was having a great feeling all day =)

During cycling, I saw someone was riding a horse and I haven't seen as so much car as the usual. Probably due to public holiday. Then I was thinking, how peaceful the world is if the car doesn't ever exist. If only bicycles and horses are transports that ever existed, there would be no pollution, no traffic congestion and no obese people.

Then, after cycling, I went to lab to screen my clones. And alhamdulillah, I have got the second clone! weeeeee!!!! :D
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